One of the best ways to start your day is by doing the Suryanamaskar or the Sun salutation. This ancient Indian asana is a complete meditative technique as it includes asanas, pranayama as well as mudras. The Suryanamaskar is a combination of 12 simple postures to be followed in continuation with a uniform breathing pattern.

Start by standing straight with your feet together and your hands palm-to-palm in a namaste position at the center of your chest.

While inhaling, raise your arms and slowly bend backward while stretching your arms above your head such that your biceps touch your ears. Stretch your abdomen as much as possible.

Now bend forward while exhaling, and try to put your palms at the side of your feet. If you’re unable to touch the floor, keep your arms in line with your legs.

Inhale and extend one leg back, keeping your palms and feet firmly on the ground, and place the other leg between the arms. Raise your head to look at the ceiling.

Extend your second leg back, balancing on your toes, keeping the hips off the floor, with your hands supporting the body in a push-up position. Now exhale. Lower your head to be in line with the arms.

Next, exhale and lower the body to the floor until the length of the body touches the ground as if you are sleeping on your stomach. Keep your buttocks raised to keep only your abdomen off the floor.

Then, inhale as you slowly raise your head and upper body, bending the spine to the maximum.

Now, raise your hips and lower your head with eyes on the navel and both heels on the floor to form an inverted 'V'. Exhale and, keeping the arms straight, align the head with the arms.

Following this, you need to repeat the positions in reverse. Inhale and again move the right leg back away from the body in a wide backward step as you had done before. Keep the hands and feet firmly on the ground, with the left foot between the hands. Raise the head.

Exhale slowly while bending forward, touching the floor with your palms so that your arms are in line with your legs.

Raise your arms as you inhale and stretch them above your head, and then lean backward as much as possible. The palms should be touching each other.

Exhale and come back to the starting position with your feet together and palms folded in front of your chest.

Do about 10-13 cycles everyday as soon as you wake up. This asana should preferably be done facing the Sun.

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