If you are finding it tough to stay committed to a regular fitness routine, here are 5 easy and effective tips that will enable you exercise in simple and painless ways.

Start Small
Start exercising today, little exercise is better than none. Do not expect results overnight. But do expect to take small steps in increasing your workout every day. It doesn’t require you to join a gym or sweat for an hour every day.

Start where you are
Look at your daily routine and see where you can walk it out, which will probably result in burning another few hundred calories a day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or get up to change channels instead of using the television remote.

Surround yourself with the right people
When you surround yourself with people who are healthy and active, it will be easy for you to stay energetic as well. Try to find yourself a buddy.

Even if this person doesn’t exercise with you, making yourself accountable to them is a great way of ensuring you stay honest about your success and challenges.

Make a note of weekly goals
Set realistic weekly goals for yourself. You can try going faster, farther or longer with every approaching week. By keeping a track of what you did, how long it took and how you felt about it, can be a great source of motivation.

Make exercising a priority
If your exercise plans are at the bottom of your priority list, you will never accomplish them. Be honest with yourself about what you want and how much you are willing to work.

By following these easy-to-follow tips, you’ll be surprised how easily it all falls into place once you’ve put your energy into action. Remember you can always start afresh, even when you have stopped exercising for few days due to unavoidable circumstances. All that’s required is a strong mind for a strong body.

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