It is common knowledge that exercising reduces body weight and fat, decreases the risk of diseases and improves physical appearance. Here are some more reasons why you should consider working out an important and beneficial activity.

Increases metabolism rate: After the age of 30, your body gradually begins to lose its muscle. If your activity level and the amount of calories you eat stays the same, you will still gain weight because your metabolism has slowed down.

Helps your mental well-being: Regular exercise has been known to reduce depression. Regardless of your body appearance, regular fitness helps improve your self-esteem.

Helps you sleep better: People who exercise tend to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer.

Increases your anaerobic threshold: This allows you to work or exercise longer at a higher level.

Prevents muscle loss: Dieting tends to cause a loss in muscle. You can help avoid this by lifting weights while reducing your calorie intake.

Helps improve cholesterol levels: It helps decrease total cholesterol levels and increase ‘good’ cholesterol levels.

Gives you a leaner body: Physical fitness increases your lean body percentage (and of course decreases your body fat percentage). So, the more muscles you build from exercising, the more calories you will burn. Building muscles also help keep your metabolic rate constant.

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