true story about contact lenses....

For beautiful eyes


Here are two easy ways to get rid off dark circles around your eyes. Massage gently around your eyes with coconut oil every night. You can also place cotton swabs dipped in cold milk on your closed eyes..




To those who wear contact lenses, remove them when you have or attend a  BBQ party or whatsoever that got to do with flames... I heard a horrible


 true story about contact lenses....


It happened to a 21 year old guy, he  wore a pair of contact lenses during a barbecue party. While, he was  barbecuing, he stared at the fire charcoals. After a few seconds, he  started to scream for help and moved rapidly, jumping up and down. No  one in the party knew why... When he arrived at the Hospital, the doctor  said he'll be blind permanently courtesy of the contact lenses that he  had worn. Contact lenses are made by plastics, and the heat from the  charcoal melted his contact lenses.


So, tell all your friends.....




Please pass this message to your friends.

In our country we may not find BBQ's but we definitely get exposed to over heated areas and places


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