Pinworms Causes

Pinworms Causes


Pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) are extremely easy to catch from someone who is infected. The infection is spread by tiny eggs deposited around the anus by the worms. When someone with pinworms scratches this area, eggs lodge under the fingernails and can be spread to anything he or she touches. Eggs are also spread by dust, clothing, bedding, or toys. When someone else accidentally eats the eggs, they also become infected with pinworms. When the eggs hatch, new worms crawl back into the intestine to reinfect the same person.


Pinworms Symptoms




Many people have pinworms and don't have any symptoms at all.

  • The most common symptom of pinworms is itching around the anus. It is worse at night when the female worm deposits her eggs on the person infected. This can lead to difficulty getting a good night's sleep.
  • Pinworms can rarely migrate into the vagina or urinary tract in girls, causing irritation in these regions. This is very uncommon and usually goes away on its own.
  • Pinworms do not cause belly pain, bloody bowel movements, fevers, or poor appetite. If you have any of these signs or symptoms, you may have a more serious condition and should call your doctor or visit the hospital's emergency department.


  • Albendazole (Albenza) is the most common treatment for pinworms.
    • Treatment is a single tablet, which kills the worms. There are different strengths for adults and children younger than 2 years.
    • Because eggs can survive for a few weeks, you will have to take a second dose 2 weeks later to lessen the chance of reinfection.


  • Mebendazole (Vermox) and pyrantel pamoate (Pin-Rid, Pin-X) also work. They are also taken in a single dose and repeated 2 weeks later.
  • Because it is common for everyone in a household to have pinworms at the same time, your doctor may recommend that everyone be treated at the same time.
  • Your doctor may also recommend tap water enemas to help flush out the pinworms and reduce symptoms.
  • After taking the pills, you should also do the following:
    • Get into the habit of carefully washing your hands after using the toilet, and before and after eating.
    • Thoroughly launder all bedding, clothing, and toys to destroy any lingering eggs.
    • Launder all bedding every 3-7 days for 3 weeks.
    • Wash underwear and pajamas daily for 2 weeks.


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