Ecstasy Without Addiction !!!!!

Everyone enjoys partaking in activities that make them feel good. One of the problems we face, though, is that we have become a society of excesses. Especially for those fighting to maintain some semblance of work life balance, it can be easy to use certain activities as a form of escapism. Things that are normally used for social interaction or temporary mood enhancers become central to achieving any sort of happiness, and suddenly the mind or the body – sometimes both – become addicted. Once that happens, it is impossible to find fulfillment or contentment without indulging to unhealthy extremes.

There are many types of addictions, and each is used to fulfill a different need, to satisfy various emotions, or used to dull painful memories or experiences. Using people or substances as crutches is unhealthy. It can result in the loss of ability to cope with reality altogether, and can lead to serious depressions when the effects of our abusive behavior finally subside.

Evaluate your own behaviors and ask yourself honestly if you participate in any addictive behaviors. Such behaviors could include the excessive use of alcohol, taking prescription or illicit drugs, engaging in food binges, or using certain people in your life as an emotional crutch.

If you find you have been involved in addictive activities, ask yourself how those actions made you feel at the time you were doing them, and how you felt afterwards. Try to determine what emotional needs you were trying to fulfill at the time, then try to determine a healthier and more productive means of satisfying those needs.


Get Healthy

Nothing gives you a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment quite like a good, hard workout. Your blood gets pumping, your muscles flex, and all of the feel-good hormones in your body are released into your bloodstream, giving you a natural “high” that can last for hours. You will experience increased energy and mental focus that will allow you to accomplish whatever goals you have set for yourself, and your body will be able to fight off the demons of tiredness and depression.

As you become more physically fit, your confidence will soar, giving you the encouragement and inspiration you need to get through life’s many challenges. When you are healthy and fit, you will find that those challenges are not nearly as difficult as you might have thought before, and you will have the mental and emotional stamina to get through those tougher times.


Some people get the wrong idea about meditation, such as the need to take special classes or contort themselves into human pretzels. Meditation is so much simpler, though. All meditation really is, is the ability to quiet the mind. Find a peaceful place where you will not be interrupted, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and concentrate of emptying your mind. Force your mind to be quiet, even if only for a few minutes. The more you practice it, the more adept at it you will become. You can even try staring into the flickering flame of a candle, focusing only on the flame and expelling all other thoughts from the mind.

The act of meditating will leave you with a calmness and a peaceful feeling you did not have before your meditation. You may find you are more composed when dealing with a crisis, calmer in the face of chaos, and less likely to lose your temper when provoked. Meditation can have many profound effects, and is likely to give you greater emotional control when practiced on a regular basis. Simple meditations can even be done right at your desk.

Get Spiritual

Many people confuse spirituality with religion, but becoming spiritual does not necessarily equal becoming religious.

Sometimes it helps us maintain our perspectives on life when we believe in something greater than ourselves. You might be more comfortable associating with a particular deity or religious belief, or you may prefer to associate with something such as nature, or the Universe.

Spirituality is exploring your relationship with those things beyond the material world, and beyond the scope of time. It involves letting go of the ego to gain greater wisdom, increase willpower, and achieve greater well-being. Many changes in your inner beliefs and realizations can lead to physical changes in the world around you.

One of the most important things to remember is that you are a strong and capable person, and should review your behaviors carefully to ensure you are not jeopardizing your own well-being by partaking in addictive behaviors. If you feel you are an addictive personality and are unable to put a stop to the unhealthy cycle of abuse on your own, seek out professional help so you can achieve total mental and physical health, and lead a life that gives you emotional fulfillment.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Went to an all night party and friends were passing around a euphoric enhancer to help us stay in the mood and party all night into the wee hours of the morning. And that it did! I tried other mood enhancers but they were not very effective. Trip2night is a great euphoric enhancer and worked wonders for me. It comes in a powdered form and mixes easily.