Breakfast, munch, dinner

1. Piece of fruit

High-fibre bananas are great for filling you up if you're hungry.

2. A bowl of cereal with milk

The cereals contain iron and B vitamins that gives energy, while the milk has bone-building calcium. Check out the GDA label if you want a cereal that's low in salt or sugar. If you're watching your weight, go for skimmed or semi-skimmed rather than whole milk.

3. Raw veggy slices and dip

Vegetarian food is rich in antioxidant vitamins and fibre while a protein-based dip, such as hummus, gives you energy.

4. A hot cross bun

Fruit breads can be a filling, low-fat snack if you team them with a low-fat spread.

5. A few pieces of dried fruit

They're a good source of fibre and energy but the sugar in them is concentrated, so do your teeth a favour and eat them in one go rather than munching on them all day long.

6. A healthy sandwich

One made with cheese and salad will provide a combination of carbohydrate and protein, as well as a range of vitamins and minerals. Check the GDA label if you're buying rather than making your own sandwich as some, especially those containing butter and mayonnaise, may have a high fat content.

7. A handful of nuts

It's great for a hit of energy-boosting protein and high in other nutrients. Walnuts are a good source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, while Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which is good for all-round health. If you prefer it salted, keep an eye on your overall intake by checking GDA labels.

8. A slice of cheese

You need not use cheese slices in fancy ways. Cheese in any way is beneficial for your teeth because it encourages saliva flow and helps neutralise the bacteria in plaque. Cheese also contains bone-essential calcium and is high in protein.

9. Dahi

It's a great source of calcium, plus the protein will give you energy. Compare fat and sugar content between packaged brands.

10. Cakes with cheese

Cakes do not always have to be elaborate pastries. Try low-cal cakes (like mawa cakes) for an energy-boosting option, This would be a particularly good choice if you're watching your weight.


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