Home Remedies for HERPES

Herpes Definition

Herpes is a common viral infection; it is a contagious infection that's caused by the herpes simplex virus.

One type of the virus is the oral herpes such as cold sores or fever blisters (HSV1) that can lead to cold sores around the mouth. The other type is the genital herpes such as genital sores or sores below the waist (HSV2). That is a sexually transmitted disease that causes blisters and pain in the genital area.

Both types of the virus can be transmitted through direct contact, such as kissing, sharing eating utensils or having intimate contact.


Home Remedies for Herpes

How to Cure Herpes with Natural Treatments

  • After drinking black coffee (with no sugar) you get "mud" on the bottom of the cup, apply the "mud" on the lips.
  • Mix 5 Bergamot oil drops to 5 Eucalyptus oil drops (Do NOT Swallow). Smear on the herpes every few minutes. (DONT go to the sun when you have the mixture on your lips, wash first).
  • Cook one cup of olive oil iin a pot, add some bee wax and lavender oil. Cool and smear on the herpes.
  • Smear alcohol (70%) on the herpes. Repeat until its gone.
    • Take a few ice cubes and rub them on the cold sore affected area for a few minutes.
    • Take a warm tea bag and apply it on the fever blisters for about half an hour.
    • Apply Aloe Vera gel on the sores.
    • Lemon balm extract is considered valuable in healing Herpes infection.
    • Consume foods rich in vitamins. Zinc and iron are also vital. Eat plenty of fruits and green veggies.


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