For not so sleepy nights…

For many Mumbaikars getting sound sleep at night is a Herculean task. Most of them toss and turn through the night resulting in a drowsy and a lethargic day. Research indicates that insomnia interferes with the sleep of around 65 to 70 percent of Mumbaikars, which is turning the city people insomniacs.

Insomnia and its causes

Inability to fall asleep or difficultly in maintaining sleep or lack of sleep is generally termed as Insomnia. It is believed that out of ten people approximately seven are the victim of insomnia in the city. Health experts feel that sleeplessness / insomnia is the outcome of the mounting stress level, excessive commuting, odd working hours and sedentary lifestyle that many of us have these days.

Broadly it is classified into two, mild and chronic insomnia. Mild insomnia usually lasts from one to three weeks whereas chronic insomnia tends to go beyond a month. Psychiatric reasons such as anxiety, depression, tension, prolonged medication etc. and psychological causes like unfavourable working atmosphere or domestic tension usually lead to insomnia.

According to a cardiac consultant of Bombay Hospital Dr Vasundhara Atre, "The hectic lifestyle and demanding jobs keep our brain working all the time including our bedtime and eventually it disturbs the sleep cycle resulting in sleeplessness." She adds, "Late night dinner is another factor contributing to insomnia as our blood sugar level shoot up immediately after a heavy dinner making the body active thus triggering insomnia."


"People who suffer from insomnia find it difficult to concentrate, tend to go in depression and get stressed out quite often.. Extreme fatigue and weariness are another signs for this disorder," divulges Dr Aditi Kulkarni, general practitioner of RM Poddar Hospital, Worli.

Say yes!

1.      Warm bath - Take a warm bath before bedtime, which relaxes the body leading to sound sleep

2.      Snacks - Studies reveal that the consumption of low protein small snack just 30-minutes prior to going to sleep helps the insomniacs to fall asleep

3.      Exercise - Devote 15-minutes in a day for physical workout, which will provide enough of oxygen to the body resulting in undisturbed sleep.

4.      De-stressing - While going to sleep try to de-stress by listening to soft music or reading that relaxes the mind

5.      Regular bed timing - Our body likes regular bed timing, so try to go sleep on the same time daily.

6.      Warm milk - Take a glass of warm milk, which will sooth your nervous system by relaxing your jagged nerves.

    Say No!

 1.       Alcohol - Some people feel that alcohol soothes them but it interferes in sleep and deprives deep rest.

2.       Caffeine - Avoid intake of coffee, tea and cola drinks before going to bed as it stimulates the body and brain that cuts down sleep.

3.       Smoke - Many insomniacs feel that smoking brings good sleep. However, it works the other way by stupefying the brain.

4.       Over-the-counter medication - Keep away from over-the-counter medication as in the long run body gets habitual and it becomes a vicious circle.

5.       Soft mattress - Try not to sleep on a very soft mattress, as it does not provide the right support to the body, which is required for good sleep.

6.       Do not lie awake - If you cannot sleep then wake up and indulge yourself in some soothing activity like reading and only go to sleep when you are tired.             

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