I think most people would agree that we live in a time of lightning speed
changes. And with all of the economic uncertainty and the troubling social
and political times we are facing in the world , things can feel pretty darn

Let me share with  you the  20 secrets for living an optimum life:

1. Strive to always remain optimistic - look on the brighter side of

2. Respect and treat others the way you would like to be Respected and
treated. Be caring, considerate and empathic to others

3. No matter what, make your health care a top priority. Always nourish
your emotional, physical and spiritual well-being

4. Value education, not only formal education but informal as well. Read
lots, be a good listener and attain knowledge

5. Each day, make time for prayer and forever seek God's guidance. Take
nothing for granted and maintain a grateful heart.

6. Pay homage to your ancestors and remember to respect elders. Also,
never get too busy to spend time with the elders in your life.

7. Constantly discover ways for self-improvement. Exercise
self-discipline, determination and appropriateness.

8. Be a visionary - live your dreams. Choose Faith over Fear

9. Avoid toxic and negative people. Surround yourself with people who are
hopeful, positive and possess a renewing spirit.

10. Maintain a "light-heart," for laughter is good for the soul and humor
is healing

11. Respect Mother Earth and do your part to preserve her beauty

12. Be charitable - share your time, wisdom and material possessions with
those who are in need. Take time to give back to your community

13. Employ integrity, courage, atonement and love throughout your entire
life. Remember to seek an understanding

14. Explore your creativity - sing, paint, sew, draw, dance, compose,
design etc., etc.

15. Be humble and be careful not to demonstrated arrogance and false pride

16. Don't allow anyone to take the "J" from your Joy

17. Seek the wisdom of others and keep an open mind and heart

18. Balance the use of technology in your life - take time out from all of
the electronic gadgetry

19. Find ways to help others in their quest for freedom, justice and

20. Lastly, always give your Mom and Dad the respect they deserve.
Constantly show and express your love to them. Never forget that you
were created through love. Make every effort to establish and maintain a healthy and nurturing relationship with them.

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