Natural Weight-Loss Food: Mangoes

Anyone wanting to lose weight will be sweet on mangoes. This versatile fruit is packed with nutrients, so you can eat less per meal and still meet the daily requirements for nutrition. Mangoes are also famous for their fleshy, stringy fruit, which is full of fiber and is a snack guaranteed to keep your raging appetite satiated until dinnertime.

This "fruit of India ," as it is sometimes called, is unique in its wealth of nutrients and richness of flavor. Its pungent flavor is loved by most but may be an acquired taste for some. It delivers a great one-two nutrition punch.

Health Benefits

Nutritional Values

Serving Size: 1/2 cup

Calories: 54
Fat: 0 g
Saturated Fat: <1 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Carbohydrate: 14 g
Protein: <1 g
Dietary Fiber: 2 g
Sodium: 2 mg
Vitamin A: 631 IU
Niacin: <1 mg
Riboflavin: <1 mg
Thiamin: <1 mg
Vitamin B6: <1 mg
Vitamin C: 23 mg
Calcium: 8 mg
Magnesium: 7 mg
Potassium: 129 mg
Carotenoids: 381 mcg

If you're limiting your calorie intake, eating concentrated sources of nutrients makes sense. And mangoes deliver. Mangoes are a superior source of beta-carotene. In fact, they are one of the top beta-carotene providers you can eat. Consuming large amounts of this antioxidant has been linked to a reduced risk of some forms of cancers.

Mangoes are rich in another carotenoid called lycopene, which is a potent antioxidant. Lycopene works to protect cells and suppress tumor growth.

Just one mango provides almost an entire day's worth of vitamin C. Unlike many other fruits, mangoes contribute several B vitamins and the minerals calcium and magnesium.

Selection and Storage

There are hundreds of varieties of mangoes in every shape, size, and color. The color of mangoes ranges from yellow to red and will deepen as the fruit ripens, though some green may remain even in perfectly ripened fruits. When ripe, a mango has a sweet, perfumey smell. If it has a fermented aroma, then it's past its prime. Choose mangoes that feel firm, but yield to slight pressure. The skin should be unbroken, and the color should have begun to change from green to yellow, orange, or red. Though it's normal for mangoes to have some black spots, avoid those mottled with too many. It's a sign the fruit is overripe. Ditto for loose or shriveled skin. If you bring home a mango that isn't ripe, you can speed the process by placing it in a paper bag with a ripe mango. Check daily to avoid over-ripening.


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